SalesTrendz Gold Partner

Nexus Technoventures LLP is one of the most popular and sought after Gold Partners of SalesTrendz software and app solutions. They have an impeccable track record of consulting and implementing SalesTrendz Solutions across the verticals and industries. Their expertise includes:

About Nexus Technoventures LLP

Nexus is the technology house that helps the modern businesses to find RIGHT-AFFORDABLE-SCALABLE and LONG LASTING solutions.


It brings together the power of COMPUTING, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, WEB and MOBILE to make this possible so you are never left behind in the race with the business competitors. The dynamic professional management’s own experience of over 16 years to interact with customers in need of practical, working solutions brings in rich legacy of meeting your evolving demands of modern day businesses.


With background of Engineering, Business Management and Accounting, nexus management team is blessed to have both its own staff team and that of principals perfectly capable and ready to help and solve the nagging issues that the clients face.