
Essential Features of Sales Force Tracking App

There are various employee location tracking apps. Which is right for your business? Choose the best employee tracking app and learn how to implement it successfully.

Choosing the right employee locator app for your employees is easy. Please check the available options and choose one. Well, yes, your company can choose a sales team tracking app, but no matter what app you choose, blindness is the biggest mistake you can make.

Let’s make some comments that might fall into a potential pitfall. Employees can track themselves and violate their privacy, or they may find that you will not be able to help you on the platform of your choice in the future.

Another drawback is that administrators can use the workforce tracking app of their choice without extensive training. This will cause problems. Suppose you own a retail chain and implement an employee monitoring app, and realize that your HR department does not create terrain-aware areas (such as stores) and disable the application’s automatic timeline feature. This is just a big issue that you or your employees may face.

What does the company have to do to ensure that the employee’s GPS tracking is correct? Well, a lot, the following steps are from choosing the right field employee tracking app to implementing it.

Search employee GPS tracking solution

Functional Analysis

Before you start choosing the right sales employee tracking app, you need to perform a functional analysis. You may be familiar with SWOT analysis to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of all organizations. A similar analysis can be conducted to discover the functionality required for an employee’s GPS tracking solution.

The functions can be divided into two groups. The first group should include the required features that must be included in the sales force tracking app. For example, a retail business may wish to use geofencing to take advantage of automatic timing monitoring. Real estate operators may require advanced GPS tracking functions such as custom paths, two-way communication, location-related task settings, and on-site personnel security features. Every business has unique requirements. Therefore, to make a list of basic features that are helpful for implementation, you need to work with your employees.

The second group can include good but not necessarily features. This can be payroll integration, project collaboration support, or sharing files between groups. They can be included in the platform, but you can choose a platform even if you don’t have full of these features.

Other groups may contain features that may be useful and may be omitted on platforms where the company is not penalized. For example, you may already be using bookkeeping services, but automatic bookkeeping integration can help. It also supports mileage tracking and can be used to install independent GPS tracking or to issue fuel cost reports for car owners.

Finally, you can also configure (or not configure) a list of features to avoid. For example, some features, such as privacy (which can show real-time viewing of the desktop for each workstation), automatic screen captures or application monitoring can have a negative impact on the office environment.

Before embarking on a complete employee GPS tracking solution, you should take an ENHA course. When deciding on various functions, the entire sales team should be included. The HR department usually does not understand the full range of GPS functions. For example, an employee may wish to use a GPS application to communicate or send work data. The delivery driver may need to scan the receipt. The HR department may not be aware of this need.

Select the best employee tracking app

Before you decide to use the salesman tracking app, you and your sales team should remember some potential options. Using the checklist of essential features identified by the ENHA survey, you can get the most out of the information you need for the employee location tracking app. List all potential and non-essential potential applications for identification and delivery. User interface and usability are as important as pricing.

Both the employee performing the monitoring and the monitored employee should identify the potential platform and provide personal feedback about the UI and overall look. Once you have determined which platform will provide the highest percentage of functionality, select at least two to test.

Find and integrate platforms

Test every potential platform

While most sales rep tracking apps offer free trials, there are a few things to consider before the HR department tests multiple platforms.

First, the test team should include staff from each department. This will provide you with multiple views of each platform and it’s always a good idea to include your entire staff in the test.

Next, the test must be done on the business phone (not just the mobile app installation of the platform). Include as many different phone models as possible in any smartphone operating system your employees use. If you have employees who use a mobile phone running Windows 10 or an older BlackBerry device that does not support most platforms, run an iOS or Android device, or both of the employees must be omitted from the employee locator app. If your employee has an Android phone, include each version of Android. This is important because it may not be compatible with other versions of Android.

The testing phase must last at least two weeks, during which time you and the team must test all key features and the stability of each sales team tracking app. It is best to use the same set of testers. This is because testing each platform is better than experiencing a platform. If you understand all the possible solutions, the feedback will be better.

At the end of the testing phase, the HR manager must complete a questionnaire to gather all the data needed to select the right employee monitoring app. You (owner) must make decisions about HR managers, employees, managers, and people who will monitor the workforce tracking app.

Administrator training

Now that you have tested and selected a platform, you should train future managers. To get the most out of the platform, you need to configure training for your administrator. This is very important. If they have all sorts of information, how to use the platform, and how to create employee monitoring and reporting methods for collecting data and questions, you need to know how to solve this problem.

Platform integration

It’s best to install the employee location tracking app on different devices one by one. Workers are encouraged to integrate the platform into the waves to ensure data stability and gradual inflows with field employee tracking app and other functions related to document sharing, automated worksheets and more.

Allow two days between each new installation wave to ensure stability. You will also need to reserve two hours to introduce your application to your employees. Of course, sending emails is easier, but you can save time and effort by organizing multiple meetings to tell employees how to use the employee locator app.

Of course, a human resources manager should be able to receive potential queries related to the selected application.

Use the employee monitoring app in the right way

Once the sales employee tracking app is integrated into the company, you should continue to use it in the right way to increase employee productivity and business productivity.

Updates and maintenance

Once the implementation is complete, don’t assume that everything is done in terms of maintenance and updates. For mobile apps, administrators should check for updates and notify employees to update them immediately.

In addition, each computer used for monitoring should periodically check for viruses and malware. The data collected is very sensitive and private, and I don’t want to be stolen or deleted. Regular anti-virus checks should be sufficient to prevent data leakage.

Monthly report

Most sales force tracking apps provide automatic monthly reports. They can provide you with valuable information on many different topics. For example, you can the miles an employee has traveled per day or shift.

In addition, the report can show the average working time (the platform can start and end the clock position, most of the time can be completed), and in some cases can show the number of projects acquired, time and average workload per employee. This report contains valuable data that you can use to improve your company’s productivity, improve your work environment, and increase employee productivity.

Use the app to create a more efficient company and a more efficient workforce.

Using the information in the data you have collected, you and your HR manager can design ways to increase your efficiency. For example, employees can enjoy a short working time of 1-2 days per week. Or you may not be using a specific break, or your lunch may take a long time. With this insight, you can create new break schedules.

GPS data shows the employee’s route and total mileage. You can use this data point to create a faster, more efficient work site path. Alternatively, you can create a delivery roadmap or create a completely different map.

There are countless ways to improve your efficiency based on your business. It depends on you. Of course, you don’t need to use your data in this way, but if you don’t, you will waste and waste this valuable information.

Use this platform to create a better working environment

As mentioned above, a better rest schedule can create a more enjoyable work environment. It also helps you create better work schedules to better fit your employees. Alternatively, you can use field employee tracking app to track the successful jobs completed and reward the best employees. This change can not only improve the employee’s workday but also create a better working environment and improve work efficiency.

Other useful tips

Install the sales rep tracking app on business devices only

We have already mentioned this, but it is worth mentioning. All salesman tracking apps should only be installed on commercial equipment. Forcing employees to install GPS tracking mobile apps on their personal devices is a violation of privacy and should not be considered.

If your employer does not have a business call, skip installing an app on your personal device or purchasing a business call.

Employee privacy

Administrators must respect the privacy of employees and salespeople. GPS tracking data should not be stored in a way that reflects the habits of some employees, such as full paths or entire records. You can use sales employee tracking app to increase efficiency or track completed tasks, but do not keep employee location history on the server.

Do not track employees during non-working hours. Use when the platform you choose automatically provides rest during breaks and holidays. Don’t keep any other type of information so administrators can expose sensitive data about screenshots or employees.

Allow employees to view the collected data to understand what is being monitored and why.

This is critical for any company that uses employee GPS tracking software. Staff can view the data being collected and the purpose of it. Employees must be able to access their sales force tracking app as well as any other data collected through shared files, daily registration and working hours, and software tracking.

Make GPS tracking transparent

When tracking employees, they will be notified by message or other means. Salesman tracking app should be transparent and employees and managers should have easy access to it. If you forget to create an alert that tells you that the employee is still tracking when they are off work, you can turn off GPS tracking. If all employees want to check out, they should be able to see their location and route history (if collected).

Benefits of sales rep tracking app

By educating employees about the benefits of the best employee tracking app, you can understand how and where they are tracked. Be prepared to provide a forum for workforce tracking app so that HR managers can answer employee questions and always fully understand the benefits of implementing sales team tracking app.

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